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LoVe EtErNaLlY FoReVeR...

Hey Everyone!
What's up? My old website was becoming so out of date that I guess I just gave up on it. Must be because things just change so often and so quickly! Oh well! But yeah...on this site, it's the usual, shoutouts, pictures, stuff I'm interested in, and what's on my mind! Don't forget to leave feedback in my guestbook! Also, you can let others know about my website by clicking on the "Pass-It-On" icon at the bottom of every page. Oh, while you're at it...check out the "Random Stuff" page and leave a lil comment in the chatterbox! Thanks! Love ya! Enjoy!

Latest Updates:

11/19/2004 - Published Website for the first time!
11/24/2004 - Still editing, now there are pictures on the pictures page...few edits to the pages.
12/1/2004 - Added pics to the pages, still working on adding some more, it's a slow process, but it's getting there...still a work in progress.
1/1/2005 - LOOKIE HERE! Ok...most of the shoutouts are done, pics are gonna be added the more I get - obviously - so that'll never be fully done...and everything else, is almost done! Still workin' on additions and touch up's though, always will be!
25/1/2005 - Pictures are updated for now...well, I added a few that I got from a friend from ...not so recent events lol. Still working on more pics though for sure...Also, I've finished more of less  -  the shoutouts are pretty much done,...atleast they are for now...until I figure out who I've totally forgotten *So Sorry!* But yeah...keep checkin' back for new stuff...I'm trying!
10/3/2005 - Pictures have been updated...well not really, that was really done like 2 weeks ago...but yeah...the shoutouts have been somewhat edited...still haven't been informed on anyone I've forgotten...few additions - music - and minor adjustments. Enjoy :P
27/4/2005 - Check out the new music that I've added to the pages...hopefully with summer comin' I'll be able to get some more work on this done and get some more pictures. Keep checkin' back and give me some feedback...I'm running out of ideas. Oh...and leave a comment in the chatterbox! Thanksssss!
19/5/2005 - Check it ouuutt! Elections were today...DAMNIT....why didn't Steph and Steph win...I say next year woulda been awesome...but meh. Anyway...check it out...just changed some shit up...mainly this page...it was bothering me...to blah. So yeah...enjoy...
16/5/2005 - Added some new pics to the pictures page.

Don't forget to sign my guestbook!

- Words Can't Express What You Mean To Me -

get this gear!
