Robin a.k.a The Second "Playa' 4 Lyfe"
Hey, you and me have had - just like everyone
else in this world - our ups and downs. We've known each other since grade 7 but I don't think you and me really became close until grade 9. As much as we don't always get along or agree on everything,
I kinda think of you as a sister...we're there for each other but at the same time, we give each
other space. Our relationship stays strong even if we don't spend every
moment together, and I like that. Thanks though...for everything, for putting up with me. With
all the shit we've been through I know our friendship can last through
almost any storm. xoxox
Chiara a.k.a Ciadz Hey hey, you and me really aren't tight at all anymore. But even so, we've been friends since grade 6! Our friendship has been on and off but still...we've had some pretty crazy times over the years haven't we? Lovin' boys...and all sorts
of other crazy shit. Anyway...even though we're not really tight and all, and even though we've had our ups and downs, we'll
still always be sorta friends right? XoxoX Lotsa Love
Lucia a.k.a One with Stitch Wow, we've been through pretty much everything
together haven't we? We've travelled the world (ok, France, but w/e) we've had our ups
and downs but no matter what, I always feel like we end up as best friends
in the end. I guess in a way we're a lot like sisters...even though we may fight we always forgive each other, like sisters...even if we're not connected by blood we
might as well be...Luch, you're one of the few people that understands me through it all...and
I really appreciate everything you've done for me. You may be half way across the world
but it doesn't matter 'cause when we talk it's like you're right there...besides...distance is
nothing right? Thanks hun, for everything, we've had amazing times! I love you! xoxox *deal*
Wow, it's crazy, but...what...4
years later I still consider you one of my best friends. Scary, considering we haven't really seen
each other since that one summer in Grade 7. It's crazy how close but yet distant people can be
eh. I tell you pretty much everything (anything I can remember atleast) and I dno...it's weird
I guess. But I just wanted to say thanks for everything...for listening to me...for listening
to my jumps from "I hate him! I'm never talking to him again" to "Oh, yeah...we're cool now..." I know I'm tough
to keep up with...especially since you don't even really know half the people I talk about....but thanks...and I'm always
here for you! Miss you! xoxox Best Friends Through It All!
Katie a.k.a *uhh..nickname coming soon*
Hey! We've kinda been off and on friends
since grade 7...seeing as we were pretty much always in the same classes, that's fairly understandable
as to how that happened! Even though we don't always agree we always seem to work out our differences and end up friends. Even if we aren't super close, I have a feeling
that we're always gonna be friends! Love ya!
K, we're not at all close
anymore, I don't really know if we ever really were, but I know that I still consider you a friend.
We've - without a doubt - had our shit, our definite ups and downs...more
like a rollercoaster actually...but I'd say in the end we somehow manage to resolve
it. I'm sorry,...for everything. I know I've made a lot of mistakes,
and I'm so sorry. I don't know what happened...I hope one day you'll be able to completely forgive
me for everything, but I know I did some shit I definitly shouldn't of. No matter what though,
I'm never gonna forget the awesome times we shared. Friends Forever...xoxox
Ola a.k.a *uhh...Ola?*
Hey. You and me were never really the best
of friends but we still hung out with the same crowd for a while and I guess in a way that kinda
dragged us together. We've had our arguments and our definite downs,
and I just wanted to say sorry for everything. I did some stuff I shouldn't of and said some things
I shouldn't of...hopefully we can put that all behind us! Love ya!
Jesse a.k.a My BLT Buddy!
Aww, I miss the fact that you're not at STP anymore...we barely ever talk between both
of us working and going to different schools,...I rarely see you either. I miss us hanging out.
We definitly had some good times...grade 9 was awesome dont'cha think? You and me have
had a rollercoaster of a relationship but in the end we always end up friends...no matter
how different we may be we always understand each other. I love that about you...you understand
me no matter what, but you still help me to see that maybe there's something better out there
for me. You're like the big brother I never had - always looking out for me...Thanks
for everything. Best Friends Forever (Don't forget about the little people ;) )
Ash a.k.a Krash
Hey, we've been friends since grade 5...strangely
enough I still remember how we met...you were in "what's her name's" class and I was in the other
"what's her name's" class and then...there was a bunch of other people going "you've gotta meet Ashley!" and then it was lunchtime...and then we went to the girls bathroom...and you were wearing this..dress...and yes...ANYWAY...lol
we've changed a lot since then, and even though we have out differences
we always work through them. I think that's what makes our friendship so strong...thanks for all
the good times! xoxox
Treasa a.k.a Kiki
Hey hey, we never talk anymore. It's weird,
since we used to talk all the time in grade 7 and 8...and then I moved...and we stopped walking
home together most of the time and yeah...we've had some fun times together, especially at
Subway eh. We should definitly do that again soon! Love ya!
Gillian a.k.a Gill
Hey. You and me have never really been super close,
and I think we might of even got into a few disputes, but I know that you've been there for me
when I need to vent and we have a lot of things in common. Even though we may not be the
best of friends you know I'm always here if you need someone to talk to! Love ya.
Liv a.k.a OMG LOOK JOHNNY Ahaha, wow, the whole, Johnny, thing...reminds me of good old times back in Mr. Meyers
class. That was definitly the best class ever, no doubt about it. Oh my...but yeah...we had some
pretty great times over the past 3-4 years, good old immersion class,
but I'd say the best times we had were in Tec class, grade 9. Tec buddies for
lyfe!! Lotsa Love!
Anna a.k.a My other Tec Buddy Anna!
Aaaah! Ok, we've been buddies, sorta, not super tight but we've been buddies, since grade 7....and
then...we're all like family in our immersion class....but the best time ever was grade
9 tec class, you, me, Liv, and Scott, agreed? Haha, we had some AWESOME times in that class...like
correcting tests and then getting pizza...yep yep, that was pretty special! Tec
buddies for lyfe hun! xoxox
Scott a.k.a the creator of George
Scott! I could never leave you out of a shoutout,...seeing
as you're the 4th addition to the Tec Buddies Club thing....so yeah...like I said to every other
Tec Buddy, we had some awesome times in grade 9 tec class didn't we? And like...all your animations...and
GEORGE...haha, that was the greatest. Loads of fun times in our immersion classes too, which are
practically family eh. Tec Buddies for Lyfe!
Christine a.k.a Chrissy Chrissy! My locker buddy and my friend and...whatever else we are
lol. We've had lotsa fun times over the past...umm...well ever since grade
7! I don't think we've ever gotten into a fight or anything but DUH, that's 'cause...I dno why, we just get along
so well heh! Lotsa love!
To anybody else in the Special
*Immersion Class* HEY YOU! Wow, I feel so bad, 'cause this is like..sorta personalized...but
not ya know? Well, this is to anybody that I left out, well, anybody in the awesome
immersion class. Our class, I swear, it's like family ya know? We've all been together
since...THE BEGINNING OF TIME...well tecnically no, only since the beginning of grade seven, but
that's not the point ya know. Anyway...we've all had some pretty amazing times together! Hopefully
most of us will stick together 'till the end! XoXoX! Love ya's all!
Chelsey a.k.a My Drama Buddy
Hey! Wow, we haven't known each
other all that long but I'd say we're already pretty close don't'cha think? I dno...either
way we've had some crazy times...most of them in drama class lol. Good times buggin' Nick and Scott...and..yeah...haha...anywhoz,
we gotta stay friends even after first semester ends! Forever! XoXoX
Dylan a.k.a Dyl I really don't know where
to start with this. You
and me used to be so close...I guess we've just both changed...and grown apart. It happens...things change, people change...but maybe sometimes that change is for the better. I never really understood how you and me got along so well, we both had such...opposite lives, different
morals...different expectations...we're both just so different. Maybe
that's what tore us apart in the end, I guess we'll never really know...but
I just wanted you to know that no matter what happens between us, even
if we don't stay friends, I'm always gonna remember who you used to
be...I know I'm not who you want to be, and I'm never going to be your perfect
girl...and I understand that now...I think I knew it all along but it never really clicked...or maybe I just didn't want to face reality... Someone once told me that you can't love someone
you can't be yourself around...I always felt I could be myself around
you...you understood me enough for me to feel comfortable telling everything
to you....I miss the friendship we used to have, but that's gone now.
I just want you to know Dyl that I really did love you once..and hopefully one day you'll truly understand that...even if it takes a lifetime
for you to realize that nobody's ever going to love you as much as I once did....
Who have I forgotten?
Amanda a.k.a My Loblaws Savior Hey hey!
I haven't seen you around much of late...even though we work at the same place...but yeah...we've
had some fun times together, and not only at work. Like that time we went to what you thought
was supposed to be a concert or a dance party thing, and it turned out to be some dance presentation
thing...and all our good times at Loblaws have been fun too. We haven't been friends
all that long but still...what difference does time make! You're so rabbit you're squirrel...and
don't forget it! Love ya!
Daniel a.k.a Dan DaAaAaAn!
You know what...I have absolutly no idea how we met...like yeah, sure, obviously it was at work
but when? And how? I don't know! But I do know that I'm glad we're friends, teehee. I had an awesome time at the semi formal, and it wouldn't
of been the same without you there. We've also had lotsa great times at work..., you're a sweetheart, ya know that?! Love ya!
Rosanna a.k.a umm... Hey! Omg, work is so different without you...we all miss
you! We've had some crazy awesome times at work...and then there was the good old loblaws xmas
party...oh my oh my...lol We miss you! Come visit us!! XoXoX
Aaron a.k.a Cinderella! Hey
hey! Wow, I honestly don't know if you'll ever get around to reading this...but hey, what the hell
anyway! So yeah...we've had some pretty crazy times at good old work eh,...right Cinderella? Haha,
you're so lucky I have a bad memory so I don't remember to always call you that anymore. But anyway,...we
should all go out to dinner again sometime soon! It's always loads of fun! See ya at work haha
Kelly a.k.a *you need a nickname* KELLY! YOU! How's it goin'? Not bad here...wow...you and me are a crazy bunch, did
you know that? OMG remember that time when it was me supervising and you felt special so you put
on a vest to and then you started like...dying of laughter for some reason so you had to hide behind
the podium when the manager or somethin' walked by? That was too special.
But seriously...we've had some insane times at work...and then out to dinner with Newman...and
others...haha. Many more good times to come eh? Lotsa love, xoxox
Damian a.k.a MY Insane One
Yeah, you heard me, you're inSANE...and
MINE...yeah..you heard me..I OWN YOU...haha...But yeah...wow...I still say it's a super small
world...seeing as you know Crystal, and I know Crystal and....yeah...that's just TOO weird....isn't
it? Anyway, bah...who would of honestly ever seen it that we'd end up where we are today...I
mean...I don't think anybody would of predicted it...I know I sure wouldn't of...how about you?
Anyway...you've been awesome..and...full of surprises (haha) and well...all
I gotta say is - I hope it lasts...- XoXoXoXoX
Who have I forgotten?